Slice Of Life Lite 1.2.5
Device: iOS iPhone
Category: Education
Price: Free, Version: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5 (iTunes)

You can effectively review the section what you want to listen by organizing playing section at your convenience.
By organizing a section with phrases or clauses, You can use it effectively to memorize sentences, recognize junctures and comprehend a fast-paced speech.
Also, you can utilize it easily with just the push of a button when you are walking or riding.
You can skip or review divided sections by setting the number of repetition.
By using delay of sections interval, you can dictate or shadow effectively.
You can set a script of each media and highlight the script on the divided sections
Support section repeat
- Dividing and Combining for organizing sections.
- Setting the number of repetition to each section
- Setting the number of repetition to all sections at once
Support playing control
- Playing / Stopping a sound item of iPod/PodCast
- Back to previous / Skip current section
- Playing a section you want by selecting the section on the list
- Rewind to N seconds. / Skip N seconds.
- Control the play speed rate (0.1x~2.0x)
- Setting the delay interval between the setions
- Play a sound item / all sound items in a folder
Play the sound item infinetely
Support viewing script
- Writing a script accoring to each music or selecting a script from iTunes file shring list
- Setting ranges to highlight on the scipt according to each divided section.
Support Notification
- After setting the script in each section, in the lock screen or background mode, Scripts are notified through notification option
Support remote control
- Play / Pause
- Back to previous section / Skip current section
- Rewind to previous N seconds. / Skip N seconds.
- Fine tune of section range
- Waveform interface
- Support only one sound files using divide tool
- It contains advertisements.
Show and Hide controll menu - Swipe up or down from bottom play control area
Setting of repeat count to each section - Swipe right or left from the section of list
Adjust playing speed rate - Swipe right or left (from bottom play control area)
Back to previous section / Skip current section (Press play button three times / twice)
Repeat the previous N seconds. / Skip N seconds. (Press play button three times rapidly and hold / twice and hold)
1. Add files
2. After playing, you can set a section which you want with using a Dividing button.
-Then, It makes a new section from the forwarded section.
-When you have a difficulty in dividing the section only relying on your listening ability, you can utilize a 'Text script' or 'Waveform interface'.
You can fine tune a start/finish time in now playing section by using Pencil button.
3. When you want to combine sections again, you select the applicable sections and combine them with Combining button
-Then, a now playing section and a forwarded section are combined.
4. Setting the script in each section.
(After you set the script previously)
- You can modify hilighted sections in the script after tapping twice
(You can move the only pin on the right side and pin on the left side is set automatically from a forward section)
# Setting the section of the only sound file.
- method 1. [2] Try again
#Two ways of setting the sound file and script
- method 2. Try again [2] and you can try [4]
- method 3. Try again [4, 2] (You can divide script and sound file at the same time.)
What's New
Fixed sync issue when section is divided by touch down
Slice Of Life Lite